Page:Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Lessons of the Revolution (1918).djvu/51

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mocracies, (France, America). Now there seems to have set in an era of a few sort of revolution,—the economico-social,—and Russia seems to be leading the way. Study the parties and know!

«Cadets»—Constitutional Democrats, (so-called because of the first initials of their name). Its official title is «Party of People’s Freedom». This party is only political. In order to ppreserve economically the capitalist order, it is ready to make concessions right and left—to Kornilovs and Tchernovs. Its representatives are: Miliukov, Rodzianko.

«Essers»—Socialists, Revolutionists, (also called by, their initials). A predominantly economic party, but originally one-sided, representing only the peasants. It stands for the abolition of private property in land only, and that by redemption. In its new program the redemption clause is abandoned in face of the rapidly-growing power of its left wing, the.

«Left Essers»—Who share the present Soviet government with the.

«Bolsheviks»—The most powerful wing of the Social Democrats, and the revolutionary party which achieved the October revolution, now in control of the government. This party expresses the desires of the whole toiling masses of the people, poor peasants as well as factory workers, to replace in the economico-industrial foundation the principle of private property and capitalism by that of natio-