Page:Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Lessons of the Revolution (1918).djvu/52

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nal ownership and Socialism. The name «Bolshevik» does not mean «Maximalist», as commonly supposed, but «member of the majority»; and it is derived from the fact that at a former congress of the Social-Democratic Party, the delegates split into two factions, the ſ or bolshinstvo, favoring immediate proletarian action to hasten the coming of Socialism. Since 1905 the Bolsheviks have really, been in a minority, until September, 1917; while the dominating faction was the.—

«Mensheviks»—Or as it would be translated, «members of the minority»: now only too true. This party includes many shades: Internationalists, Social-Patriots, etc. It represents the Intellectuals, which means: inasmuch as the great achievements of knowledge and education are still in the hands of the old order, the Intellectuals as a class and as the incarnation of those achievements are nearer to the Cadets than to the Bolsheviks.

Assorted Social-Democrat—Certain «groups», with a small following, on the fringes of the Social-Democratic party, whose tactics differentiate them from the main branches of the party. «Edinstvo» group, headed by Plekhanov; the «Unified Social-Democrats», headed by Maxim Gorki, etc. These groups range from almost perfect reactionaries to Intellectual internationalists, and have little influence at the present time.