Page:Vol 4 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/107

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the archbishop, and was, moreover, at enmity with the oidor decano Aguirre. These members were the heads of the two parties, Aguirre being recognized as the enemy of the Creoles and Catani as their supporter.

On the 9th of May the audiencia organized its government, by declaring that to it as a body pertained the superior administration and the captain-generalship of the kingdom, while Regent Catani was invested with the presidency and superintendence of the royal treasury. The oidores Blaya and Calderon, in view of their increased duties, were removed from the junta de seguridad, and their places supplied by the governor and the two eldest alcaldes of the criminal court. The ordinary business in the different departments of the government was to be despatched by respective oidores commissioned for the purpose; a council of military chiefs was to supply all necessary information and advice relative to the condition of the army; and in all the more important cases of the tribunal de la Acordada the regent was to be consulted and his approval obtained for the execution of the heavier sentences.[1]

During the administration of the audiencia, exhibitions of natural phenomena occurred, presaging disaster. On the 20th of May, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios was struck by lightning; and a great portion of the edifice being destroyed, it was found necessary to remove to the cathedral the sacred image, which was greatly venerated by the native Mexicans. It was afterward borne in solemn procession to the different churches of the capital, and the demonstrations of devotion were noticed as being extraordinarily earnest. When on the 10th of August the image was returned to its sanctuary, it was accompanied by an immense concourse, who in tears chanted prayers for divine protection.[2] But in the night

  1. Gaz. de Mex., 1810, i. 411-13.
  2. Bustamante, who was an eye-witness of these religious observances,