Page:Vol 4 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/58

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greatly concerned about their fate, gather in the streets and discuss the situation. Public meetings a rare occurrence in that quarter begin frequently to be held, at which much is said and nothing done. Placards are posted by the several factions of city government, cautiously hinting their own views, or feeling for the views of others. There is manifest every phase of feeling from loyalty, wholly or partially, to independence, wholly or partially. Pasquinades are sent to high officials, and some even propose a crown for Iturrigaray.[1]

On the 19th of July, at the suggestion of the regidor Azcárate, the municipal authorities presented to the viceroy a memorial, [2] claiming that as the throne of Spain was not occupied by the lawful sovereign, the government devolved upon the people, and that the city of Mexico, as the metropolis and representative of all New Spain, would sustain the rights of the deposed house. The address concluded with the request that the viceroy would assume provisionally the government of the kingdom, and that he would surrender it neither to any foreign power, nor to Spain herself while under foreign rule; and that he would not receive any other viceroy or accept a new appointment from the usurping power. [3]

  1. On the 9th of August the consulado of Mexico addressed a petition to Iturrigaray requesting him to adopt measures for the suppression of these seditious demonstrations. Hernandez y Dádvalos, Col. Doc., i. 511.
  2. ’Bajo de mazas y en coches.' Bustamante, Suplemento, in Cavo, Tres Siglos, iii. 228.
  3. 'Pidiendose al Exmo. Señor Virrey que interin llega el momento felis de que salga de Francia S. M. y Altesas, ó el Reyno elije persona de la Real familia para que lo mande y govierne como su Rey y Señor natural, permanesca de Virrey Gobernador y Capitan General de esta Nueva España, entendiendose con la calidad de provicional, sin poderlo entregar á Potencia alguna extrangera, ni a la misma España aun quando para ello se le presenten, ordenes ó del Señor Cárlos quarto ó del Principe de Asturias bajo la denominacion de Fernando Septimo antes de salir de España,. . .que no entregue tampoco el Virreynato y Govierno del Reyno á ningun Virrey que hayan nombrado el mismo Señor Cárlos quarto ó Principe de Asturias:. . .Que aun quando S. E. mismo seá continuado en el Virreynato por Real orden de S. M. ó de Principe de Asturias. . .no la obedesca ni cumpla, sino que continue encargado provicionalmente en el mando del Reyno.' Hernandez y Dávalos, Col. Doc. i. 477-8. Such were the expressions contained in the address of the ayuntamiento to the viceroy, the whole of which interesting document is supplied by Dávalos, who expresses his thanks to José' Maria Andrade for his kindness in furnishing him with a copy of it.