Page:Vol 5 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/204

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of the treasury, but he accomplished nothing, and meantime the expenditures greatly exceeded the receipts. Rumor succeeded rumor, each as false as the preceding one, but all containing a little grain of truth as to the president's views in favor of a change of system. His vacillation at last displeased the ministers, and they resigned in a body on the 14th of October. It was reported that the president wanted the federation restored, and the agitation was very great. At last, a few days later, he appointed a new cabinet as follows: José Antonio Romero, of relations; José María Bocanegra, of hacienda; Ignacio Mora y Villamil, of war, and ad interim of justice.[1]

  1. Romero's appointment displeased the opposition. Indeed, though the president tried to please the opposition, it was not satisfied. Bustamante, Gabinete Mex., i. 41.

    The following additional authorities have been consulted for the preceding chapter: Dublan and Lozano, Leg. Mex., iii. 132-5, 215-59, 323-38, 352-03, 389-91, 443-4, 462-5, 526-7, 664-5, 723, v. 17; Méx., Col. Ley. y Órd., Jan.May 1854, vi. 69; Méx., Col. Leyes Fund., 171-218; Córtes, Diario Ses., 1835-6, ii. 227; 1836, i. 29, 211-13, ii. 111-18, 137-8; Córtes, Diario Ofic., vii. 324, ix. 171, x. 279-83; Rivero, Mex. en 1842, 24-5, 119-23; Bustamante, Mem. Justas Quejus, 1-8; Id., Mem. Hist. Mex., MS., ii. 61-76; Id., Respuesta al Allú Van, 1-20; Id., Voz de la Patria, MS., xi. 1-63, xii. 1-118; Id., Gabinete Mex., MS., i. 1-95, 109-17, ii. 1-46, 158-90, iii. 3-7, 67-81; Niles' Register, 1. 305, 393, li.-lii. passim, liii. 210, 225, 243, lvi. 323, 338, lvii. 132, Ixii. 49-51, 278, lxviii. 315-16, lxix. 98, index 'Texas;' Filisola, Mem. Hist. Guer. Tej., i. 479-507, ii. 4-6, 26-36, 88-9, 113-20, 135-51, 173-9; Gonzalez, Hist. Aguascal., 117-32; Rivera, Gob. de Méx., ii. 169-70, 202-35; Id., Hist. Jalapa, iii. 273-336, 427-30, 440-2, 460-3; Arrillaga, Recop., 1836, Jan.-June 192-4, 234-9, 252-8, 274 6, 289-96, 311-12, 334-65, 427-8, 442-5, 496; 1836, July-Dec., 48, 54, 95-6, 124-46, 271-378; 1837, passim; 1838, 67-73, 88-9, 284-6; Kennedy's Tex., i.-ii. passim; Santa Anna, Biog. del Genl, 29-32; Revista Esp., 20th April, 1836, 782; Tornel, Nac. Mej., 53-5; Oriega (Nuñez), Mem. Relac. Dipl. Mex., 83-03; Rockwell's Span. and Мех. Law, 489-92; Мosaico Мех., 271, 341, 461; Suarez, Informe, 177-89; Larrainzar, Soconusco, 102, 168; Id., Discurso, 6-10; Análisis Crit. Constituc.; Arroniz, Biog. Mex., 68-72; Mayer's Mex. Azt., i. 321-5; Méx., Reseña Hist. Negoc. Dipl. entre Esp. y Méx., 1-140; Vieyra, El Gob. del Depto al Públ., 1-16; Méx., Los Males Públ.; Represent. Que los Capitulados, 1-19; Méx., Manif. Junta Depart. Méx., 1-14; Fonte, Discurso; Semblanzas de los Representantes, 1-46; Blasco, Discurso Civ., 1-8; Fossey, Mex., 358-60, 505-7; Derecho Intern. Mex., 1st pt, 387-414, 658-9, 3d pt, 237; Gudiño y Gomez, Oracion Patr., 13 pp.; Domenech, Hist, du Mex., ii. 156; Dicc. Univ. Hist. Geog., i. 751-2; Grattan's Civilized America, ii. 255; Cutts' Conq. Cal. and N. Mex., 9; Colima, Represent., 7; Caballero, Hist. Alm., 13; Arrangoiz, Méj., ii. 239-40; Correo Nac., Jan. 2-3, 1849; El Constitucional de Mérida, Feb. 3, 1838, 1-2; Constitucional del Istmo, May 15, 1337; Pinart Coll.; Bolet. del Instit., i. 96; Representn que los Vecinos de Ciudad Victoria, 1-10; Guerra entre Méx. y los Est. Un., 16-17; Lœvenstern, Le Mexique, 83-91, 423-31; Memor. Hist., Feb. 2, 1846, 3; Mérida, Esposic. que el Åyunt., 1-12; Méx., Decreto pa el Arreglo Intr de los Depart., 1-26; Méx., Mem. Hac., 1844, 3-9; 1870, 1033-5; Id., Mem. Rel. Exter., 1838, 1-19;