Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/523

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Krishn[)u], and hailing the return of the season, personified under the name of Vasanta, generally pronounced Bessant. Kama, the god of love, is the son of Krishn[)u].

The Hoolī was celebrated by the natives with due glee; they threw abeer (red powder) into each other's faces, and then squirted orange-coloured water over it; people were also sent on April-fool errands. Colonel Gardner avoided appearing amongst the people during this festival, and I imitated his example. The orange-coloured water is tinged with the flowers of the dhāk tree; the abeer is flour made from the singharra (water nut), and dyed with red sanders; the roots of the singharra are loosened by means of ropes fastened between two boats, with several men in each; and iron prongs are used in collecting them.

I mentioned to Colonel Gardner the songs of the women, the Domnee, who were in the tent, and the distress of the Prince. He said, "When marriages are negotiating, in particular, they are of the most unchaste description; they are admitted on such occasions, but the nāch girls never; the songs of the Domnee are indecent beyond the conception of an European."

Nāch women dance and sing before men, and are not allowed to enter zenānas of respectability; but in all great establishments, such as Colonel Gardner's, and that of his son, the slave girls are formed into sets of dancing girls, to sing and play for the amusement of the Begams.

Colonel Gardner remarked, "The songs of the nāch girls are never indecent, unless 'by particular desire,' and then in representing the bearer's dance,—a dance which is never performed before ladies."

The following tradition may account for the great noise made with native instruments at a wedding:—"The difference between the lawful and unlawful, in marriage, is proclamation and the beating of drums for them." "Aa'yeshah gave a woman, who was nearly related to her, in marriage to one of the assistants; and the prophet came and said, 'Have you sent the young woman to her husband?' She said, 'Yes.' The prophet said, 'Have you sent any singers with her?' She said, 'No.' On