Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/524

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which the prophet said, 'Verily the assistants are a tribe fond of singing; therefore, had you sent any one with her to have sung A'taina'cum, A'taina'cum, then he would have prayed for your life and mine.'" A'taina'cum, a'taina'cum,—we come to you, we come to you, are the words of a song sung in marriage processions.

Aamīr-bin-sad said, "I went to Kardhah-bin-cab, and Abu Masuud Ansarī, in an assembly, in which was a bridal feast; and some women were singing; and I said, 'O ye two companions of the prophet of God! and O ye men of Bedr! (i. e. combatants in that battle) shall this act (that is, singing), be done near you?' They said to me, 'Sit down if you please, and hear with us; but, if you please, go away, because the prophet permitted us to hear nuptial songs.'"

Domra is the name of a caste of Musalmāns, the males of which are musicians, and the females sing and dance in the company of females only.



March 28th.—The bride is denominated dulhān on the day of Sāchak, and the bridegroom dūlha. The poor dulhān is kept in strict parda on her charpāī; the dūlha ought by law to be equally confined, but he generally contrives to amuse himself during the time. After the bride and bridegroom had been rubbed a certain number of days with the oily mixture, the time appointed for the second day's ceremonies arrived; which is called the Sāchak. Mulka Begam and the prince arrived in procession. The bridegroom's party were dressed out in all their bravery. The party of the bride wore their old clothes, and looked as deplorable as possible. This was according to custom, and therefore strictly observed. On this day it is the fashion for the bride's mother to appear in an undress, and even that soiled! The procession consisted of elephants in all their

  1. Oriental Proverbs, No. 85.