Page:Watts Mumford--Whitewash.djvu/211

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don't understand you. You seem to think I have something to hide!"


Victoria's face hardened. "We have come to ask you from whom you obtained this pretended information, as we have traced most of the current gossip to you."

Morton had held his breath for some moments. This being in the presence of a three-cornered woman's conflict daunted him, as it well might any man, however stout-hearted, particularly when one of the contestants happens to be a fiancée, and another a lifelong friend. His loyalty to Victoria flamed up with the hope that she might clear herself of the accusations brought against her. For an instant he almost hoped she would avenge the hurt. Then the loveliness of Philippa triumphed, and he felt only the sting of the insult offered her. Her voice came to him cold and distinct.

"I have heard this story from more than one reliable source; but as the information was confidential. I am not at liberty to give names."