Page:Watts Mumford--Whitewash.djvu/212

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"Then," broke in Mrs. Durham, "Miss Claudel's suit for slander will be brought against you."

"Suit for slander!" Philippa murmured, aghast.

"Suit for slander!" Morton exclaimed, in anger.

"Suit for slander, Miss Ford," repeated Mrs. Durham, coolly. "What else do you expect? You could have foreseen that from the beginning. Such infamous lies are not put into circulation without—"

"Lies!" hotly interrupted Morton, to whom Philippa gladly ceded the floor. "Lies! Let me tell you—no, Philippa, permit me to handle this case for you; it is my right. Ladies, Miss Ford is engaged to me, and—"

He stopped short at sight of the blank sorrow and surprise on Victoria's face.

Forgetting all but her old affection for Morton; forgetting the object of her visit and Philippa's presence, she advanced to him with a sudden gesture as if to shield him from a blow.

"Oh, Morton! No! no! You can't mean it!"