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A Sermon on Genesis ii. 18.

And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him a help-meet for him.

Human misery is to divine mercy, as a black soil to a sparkling diamond; or as a sable cloud to the sun-beams, Psalm viii. 4.—Lord, what is man, that thou art mindful of him?

Man is, in his creation, angelical; in his corruption, diabolical; in his renovation, theological; in his translation, majestical.

There were four silver channels in which tho chrystal streams of God’s affection ran to man in his creation.

1. In his preparation. 2. In his Assimilation. 3. In his coronation. 4. In his Association.

1. In his preparation. Other creatures received the character of their beings by a simplo fiat; but there was a consultation at his forming; not for the difficulty, but for the dignity of the work.