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Tho painter is most studious about that which he intends to make his master-piece. Tho four elements were taken out of their elements to make up the perfection of man’s complexion: the firo was purified, the earth was refined. When man was moulded, heaven and earth was married; a body from the one was espoused to a soul from the other.

2. In his assimilation. Other creatures were made like themselves, but man was made like God, as the wax hath the impression of the seal upon it. It is admirable to behold so fair a picture in such coarse canvas, and so bright a character in so brown paper.

3. In his coronation. He that made man, and all the rest, made man over all the rest; he was a littlo lord of a great lordship: this king was crowned in his craddle.

4. In his association. Society is the solace of humanity; the world would be a desert, without a comfort.

Most of man’s parts are made in pairs; now he that was double in his perfection, must not be single in his condition.

And the Lord said, &c. These words are like the iron gate that opened to Peter of its own accord, dividing themselves into threo parts:—

1. An Introduction: And the Lord God said. 2. An Assertion: It is not good that man should be alone. 3. A Determination: I will make an help-meet for him.

In the first there is a majesty proposed. In the second there is a malady presented. In the third there is a remedy provided.

Once more let me put these grapes into the press.

l. The sovereignness of the expression: And the Lord God said. 2. The solitaryness of the