Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/498

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American Trading Co., with head office at Tientsin. Mr. Lee was the Chinese-manager of that newly established firm. At the same time he accepted the compradoreship of the Fearon, Daniel & Co., holding this concurrent post for three years. In 1918, during the time of repatriation of enemy subjects in China, Mr. Lee was entrusted with the work of establishing the Tientsin office of the San Peh Steam Navigation Co., by Yu Ya-ching, the founder of this company, who has been for many years one of the commerical leaders in Shanghai. Very soon the branch office was founded at Tientsin, occupying the wharves formerly belonging to Hambury Steamship Co. Ever since its establishment, this company under the managership of Mr. Lee, has been playing an important part in the China sea coast navigation service. In the spring of 1921, Mr. Lee accepted another concurrent post as manager of the Tientsin office of the Industrial Development Bank of China. In 1923, owing to the pressure of work in the San Peh Steam Navigation Co., he resigned from both the China-American Trading Co., and the Industrial Development Bank. In September 1924 he rejoined the China-American Trading Co. Mr. Lee is one of the pioneer southern merchants at Tientsin, and has served for ten years as a director of the Chekiang Provincial Guild, Tientsin. He is also one of the founders of the Chekiang School of Tients in. Mr. Lee's present address is No. 153 Parkes Road, Tientsin.