Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/499

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Mr. William Yinson Lee


(Li Yuan-hsin)

Mr. William Yinson Lee of Brewer Manufacturing Cremists, wholesale druggists and merchants, was born at Sydney, N. S. W. Australia, in 1884. He was the eldest son of the later W. R. G. Lee, well-known merchant of Sydney, Hongkong and Heungshan City (Canton), Kwangtung, and received his English and Chinese education under private tutors in Australia and Hongkong. He came to China in 1903 and joined Johnson, Stokes & Master, a leading legal firm in Hongkong andi became closely associated with the late Sir Boshan Wei Yuk, K. C. M. G. and the late Sir Hormusjee Mody,