Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/690

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Mr. Sun Fo


(Sun K'e)

Mr. Sun Fo was born at Kuantung in 1891, his father being Dr. Sun Yat-sen, head of the Southern Constitutional government. His elementary education was obtained in the schools of Honolulu and following the completion of his work there he entered the University of California. In 1916 he was graduated from that university with the degree of B. A. He took his M. A. degree from the Columbia University in 1917. While attending school in Honolulu, he was engaged in journalistic works, being associate editor of The Liberty News, a Chinese language journal, from 1908 to 1911. Mr. Sun returned to China in August 1917 and at once took part in the organization of the first military government at Canton under his father. From 1918 to 1919 he was secretary of the Canton National Assembly. In the winter 1919 he became an associate editor of the Canton Times which position he held until 1920. He took an active part in the organization and financing of the campaign against the Kuangsi