Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/691

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militarists in the period from July to October, 1920. Upon the formation of the commission form of government for the city of Canton in 1921, Mr. Sun was appointed to the position of Mayor. He held concurrently the position of director-general of the Board of Conservancy Works of Kuang-tung. He was a member of the Legislative Commission which formulated the Canton City Charter and the local government system that has been put into effect throughout the province of Kuangtung. During the past two years, he made several visits to Mukden and Shanghai as his father's representative to confer with the leaders of other parties on political affairs of China. Upon the defeat of the Chihli party in the war which started in September 1924, Mr. Sun Fo accompanied his father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen to Peking to participate in a discussion with the leaders of the Anfu-Fengtien party on the subject of National Reunification. Upon the death of his father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, a considerable section of the conservative element in the Kuomingtang party advocated that Mr. Sun Fo should assume the position as head of this organization, the place his father had so long held. He is now living in Shanghai.