Page:Wife of Beith (11).pdf/13

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( 13 )

to mercy then, and mercy got,
But now the LORD is very loath,
ah! Peter then what ſhall I do?
Hell will not hear me as I hear;
ſhall I deſpair of mercy too,
No, no I'll truſt in mercy dear,
and if I periſh here I'll ſtay,
And never go from heaven bright,
I'll ever hope and always pray
until I get my Saviour's light,
I think indeed, you are not right,
if you had faith you could win in;
Importune then with all your might,
faith is the feet wherewith you came.
But good Saint Peter let me be,
had you ſuch faith, did it abound?
When you did walk upon the ſea,
was you not like for to be drown'd?
Had not our Saviour helped thee:
who came and took thee by the hand;
So can my LORD do unto me,
and bring me to the promis'd land;
Is my faith weak, yet he is ſtrong,
the ſame, and ever ſhall remain;
His mercy laſts, and his good will,
to bring me to his flock again;
He will me help and me relieve,
and will increaſe my faith alſo,
If weakly I can but believe,
for from this place I'll never go
But Peter ſaid, how can that be?
how dareſt thou look him in the face?
Such horrid ſinners like to thee,
can have no courage to get grace:
Here none come in but they that's ſtout,
and ſuffered have for the good cauſe,
Like unto thee are keeped out,
for thou haſt broke all Moses laws.
Peter, ſaid ſhe, I do appeal

from Moses, and from thee alſo;