Page:Wife of Beith (11).pdf/14

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( 14 )

With him and you I'll not prevail,
but to my Saviour I will go;
Indeed of old you were right ſtout,
when you did cut off Malchus ear,
But after that you went about,
and a poor maid did you fear;
Wherefore Saint Peter do forbear,
a comforter indeed you're not,
Let me alone, I do not fear
take home the whiſtle of your groat
Was it your own or Paul's good ſword?
When that your courage was ſo keen,
You was right ſtout upon my word,
then would you fain at fiſhing been;
For at the crowing of the cock
you did deny your Master thrice,
For all your ſtoutneſss turn'd a block,
now flyte no more if you be wiſe,
Yet at the laſt the LORD aroſe,
invironed with Angles bright,
And to the wife in haſte he goes,
deſir'd her ſoon paſs out of ſight,
O LORD, ſhe ſaid, now do me right,
but not according to my ſin;
Have ye not promiſed day and night,
when ſinners knock to let them in
He ſaid, thou wreſts the Scriptures now,
the night is come thou ſpends the day,
In whoredom thou haſt lived long,
and to repent did'ſt delay;
Still my commandments thou abuſed'ſt,
and vice committed buſily
Since thou my mercy thou refuſed'ſt,
go down to hell eternally
O LORD, my ſoul doth teſtify,
that I have ſpent my time in vain,
Oh! make a wandering ſheep of me,
and bring me to thy flock again.
Thinkeſt thou there is no court to crave,
of all theſe gifts in thee was planted,