Page:William John Sparrow-Simpson - Roman Catholic Opposition to Papal Infallibility (1909).djvu/13

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The following list of books has been compiled, partly to show the editions to which references have been made, and partly as a help to study. It is, of course, needless to say that such a list has no pretensions whatever to completeness.

Acta. Concil. Vaticani. Collectio Lacensis. T. vii. 1892.

Acton. History of Freedom.

Acton Sendschreiben an einem Deutschen Bischof. 1870.

Alzog. History of the Church.

Anonymous. Pourquoi le Clergé Français est Ultramontane. 1879.

Anonymous. Ce quise passe au Concile. 1870.

Aquinas. Opuscula Selecta. Paris. 4 vols. 1884.

Aquinas. In Sententiis. 3 vols. Parma Edit.

Argentre, D'. Elementa Theologica. Paris. 1702.

Augustine. Works. Gaume's Edition.

Barral. Defense des Libertés de l'Eglise Gallicane. 1817.

Baunard. Hist, de Card. Pie. 2 vols. Paris. 1886.

Bausset, Card. Histoire de Bossuet. 4 vols.

Bellarmine. De Controversiis. Works, 11 vols. Paris. 1874.

Bergier. Dict. de Theologie. 12 vols. Paris. 1876.

Berrington & Kirk. Faith of Catholics. 1830.

Billuart. De Ecclesia.

Bonnechose. Hist. C. Constance.

Bossuet. Works. Ed. F. Lachat. 30 vols. Paris. 1864.

Botalla. Infallible Authority of the Pope.

Bourgeois et Clermont. Rome et Napoleon. 3 vols. 1907.

Bryce. Biographical Studies.

Butler. Historical Memorials of the English Catholics.
