Page:William John Sparrow-Simpson - Roman Catholic Opposition to Papal Infallibility (1909).djvu/14

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Cambridge Modern History—French Revolution.

Carson. Reunion Essays. 1903.

Cecconi. Histoire du Concile du Vatican. French transl. 4 vols. 1887.

Chauvin. Le Père Gratry. 1901.

Choupin L. Valeur des Decisions Doctrinale. 1908.

Chrismann. Regula Fidei Catholicæ. 1854.

Christophe. Histoire de la Papautè, pendant le XIV. Siècle. 3 vols. 1853.

Clifford, Lord. Letters to the Earl of Winchelsea.

Cobb, G. F. Few Words on Reunion. 1869.

Consalvi, Card. Memoires. 2 vols. Cretineau-Joly. 1864.

Correspondant. 10th Feb. 1906. Articles by Thureau Dangin.

Cyprian. Ed. Hartel. 3 vols.

Dechamps. L'Infallibilité et le Concile Général. 1869.

Denzinger. Enchiridion. 1854.

Döllinger & Reusch. Die Selbstbiographie des Cardinals Bellarmin.

Döllinger. Declarations and Letters.

Duchesne. Beginnings of the Temporal Power of the Pope. 1908.

Dupanloup. Observations. 1869.

Dupanloup. Lettre sur le futur Concile Œcuménique addressée par Mgr. L'Évêque, d'Orleans au clergé de son Diocese. 1868.

Dupanloup. See Chapon. Mgr. Dupanloup et la Liberté. 1889. and Revue du Clergé Français. 1st May 1909, p. 375.

Fessler. True and False Infallibility. 1871.

Fleury. Histoire Ecclesiastique. Avignon. 1777.

Foisset. C. de Montalembert.

Follenay. Vie de C. Guibert. 2 vols.

Foulon. Darboy. 1889.

Franzelin. De Traditione.

Friedberg. Aktenstücke. 1876.

Friedrich. Documenta ad illustrandum Conc. Vat. 2 vols. 1871.

Friedrich. Döllinger. Sein Leben. 3 vols. Munchen. 1899.

Friedrich. Tagebuch. 1871.

Gallitzin. Defence of Catholic Principles.

Garnier. Liber Diurnus.