Page:William John Sparrow-Simpson - Roman Catholic Opposition to Papal Infallibility (1909).djvu/15

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Gasquet. Lord Acton and his Circle.

Gerson. De Auferibilitate Papæ ab Ecclesia.
Gerson. Life by Schwab. 1859.

Ghilardi. Torquemada De Plenitudine Potestatis R. P. 1870.

Gladstone. Vaticanism.

Gosselin. Temporal Power of the Pope in the Middle Ages. Transl. by Kelly of Maynooth. 2 vols. 1853.

Goyau. L'Allemayne religieuse. 5 vols. 1905.

Granderarth. Vatican Council. 3 vols.

Gratry. Letters.

Gregorovius. Roman Journals.

Grisar. Lainez-Disputationes Tridentince. 2 vols. 1886.

Gueranger. De la Monarchie Pontificate. 1870.

Guettée. Histoire de l'Eglise de France. 12 vols. 1856.

Guillermin. Vie de Mgr. Darboy. 1888.

Halifax, Lord. In Nineteenth Century. May 1901.

Hasenclever. Das neue Dogma von der Unfehlbarkeit des Papstes. 1872.

Hefele. Conciliengeschichte. First Edition. 1855.
Hefele.Second Edition.
Hefele.French translation. 12 vols. Goschler and Delarc. 1859.
Hefele.English translation. 5 vols. from 2nd edition. 1872. (By Clark & Oxenham.)
Hefele.Honorius und das sechste Allgemeine Concil. 1870.

Hefele's letters will be found in Schulte. Altkatholicismus and Revue internationale de Theologie (pp. 485–506). 1908.

Hohenlohe. Memoirs. 2 vols.

Hurter. Compendium Theologiæ Dogmaticæ. 3 vols. 5th edition. 1885.

Husenbeth. Life of Milner. 1862.

Irenæus. Ed. Harvey. 2 vols. 1857.

Janus. The Pope and the Council. Rivingtons. 1869.

Jerome. Ad Rufinium. De Script Eccles.

Jervis. Hist. Ch. France. 2 vols. 1872.
Jervis.The Gallican Church and the Revolution. 1882.

Jourdain. Hist. Univ. Paris.

Keenan. Controversial Catechism. 17th thousand. 1860.