Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/16

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The swine.
The ruler's dochiter

29. And see! they cry’t oot, "What has we wi’ you, Son 0' God! Are ye come to torment us 'or the time?"

30. Noo thar war ieedin, a gey bit aff frae them, a great herd o' swine.

31. See the evil spirits besocht him, sayin, "Gin ye cast us oot, send us iutil the herd o' swine!"

32. And he said to them, "Gang!" And whan they cam oot. they gied intil the herd o' swine; and lo! a' the herd rushed doon the scaur intil the Loch, and perished i' the watirs.

33. And they that herdit them fled and gaed their gate to the citie, and tell't a'; and what had befaun the possess't anes.

34. And lo! a' the citie cam oot to meet Jesus: and whan they saw him they besocht him to gang awa frae their borders.


Twa hames made blythe—Matthew and Jairus. The blin' and the dumb rejoice.

AND he enter't the boat, and gaed ower, and cam till his ain toun.

2. And behauld! they war bringin till him a man doon wi' a stroke, lyin on a couch: and Jesus, seein their aefauldness says tae the man, "Bairn, be o' guide heart; yere sins are forgien ye!"

3. And mark! thar war Writers sayin within theirsels, "This ane speaks profaneness!"

4. And Jesus, kennin their thochts, says, "Why soud ye think ill in yere hearts?

5. "Whilk is easier to say. 'Yere sins are forgien!' or to say, 'Rise ye. and walk?'

6. "But sae as ye may ken the Son o' Man has authoritie on the yirth to forgie sins, (quo' he till the ane wi' a stroke.) Rise ye, tak u yere bed, and gang yere ways till yere ain hoose!"

7. And he, risin up, gaed awa till his ain hoose.

8. And a' the folk, seein it war

dauntit wi' fear, and glorify't God for gien sic pooer to men!

9. And as Jesus gaed on frae that, he saw a man ca'd Matthew, sittiu whaur the dues were paid; and he says till him, "Follow ye me!" And he raise, and follow't him.

10. And it cam aboot, as he was at meat i' the hoose, that behauld! mony tax-men and ill-deedie anes cam and sat doon wi' him and his disciples.

11. And whan the Pharisees saw that, quo' they till his disciples, "Hoo is’t that yere maister taks meat wi' tax-folk and ill-deedie anes?"

12. Noo Jesus heard; and quo' he to them, "It’s no the hale anes that need the leech, but thae that are ill.

13. "But ye and learn what that sets forth, 'I wad suner hae mercie nor sacrifeece; for I am-na come to ca' the richtous. but sinners."

14. Than the disciples o' John cam till him; and quo' they, "Hoo is’t that we fast muckle—and the Pharisees—but yere disciples haena to fast?"

15. And Jesus says to them, "Can the bairns 0' the bridal-bower fast whan the bridegroom is wi' them'? But the days come, whan the bride-groom is taen awe free them. and than wull they fast!

16. "And nae ane pits a clout o' new claith on an auld coat, for in waukin-up it rives awa free the cleedin, and the hole is made waur.

17. "Nor div men pit new wine intil auld skins; else the skins rive, and the wine skails; and the skins are destroy't: but they pit new wine intil new wine-skins, and baith are keepit."

18. And, meanwhile he was speakin thir things till them, behauld! a certain Ruler cam, and loutit doon afore him, sayin, "My dochter maun e'en noo be deid! But come and pit thy haun ower her, and she sal leeve!"

19. And Jesus raise and fo1low't him; and the disciples as weel.

20. And behauld! a wumman wi'