Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/215

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Paul Iikit-na the diveesions o' the Corinthians. The Cross 0' Christ the ae and only Fundation.

PAUL, ca'd as an Apostle 0' Jesus Christ, by the wull 0' God; and the brither Sosthenes;

2. To the Kirk 0' God, sanctify't in' Christ Jesus, whilk is in Corinth, ca'd as saunts; wi' a' that ca' on the name 0' oor Lord Jesus Christ in a' places, their Lord and oors;

3. Tender love be to yo, and peace, frae God oor Faither, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

4. I am thankin my God aye, anent ye, for the favor 0' God gien to ye in Christ Jesus,

5. That in a' things ye had rowth in him, in a' word and knowledge,

6. E'en as the [1] testimonie o' Christ was made siccar amang ye.

7. Sae that ye fa' ahint in nae gift 0' grace; fain-waitin for the revealin o' oor Lord Jesus Christ;

8. Wha sal e'en malt ye siccar throwe a', unblameable i' the day 0' oor Lord Jesus Christ.

9. Leal and faithfu' is God, by wham ye war ca.'d intil a. ane-ness wi' his Son Jesus Christ oor Lord.

10. But I entreat ye, brethren, by the name 0' oor Lord Jesus Christ, that ye a' speak as ane, and that thar be-na amang ye diveesions; but raither that ye be perfetely joined thegither i' the same mind, and the like conclusions.

11. For it has been signify't to me, anent ye, my brethren, by thae 0' Chloe, that strifes are amang ye.

12. But this, say I, that ilk ans 0' ye says, "I am 0' Paul;" and "I am 0' Apollos," and "I 0' Peter;" and "I 0' Christ."

13. Has Christ been sinder't? Was Paul crueify't in yere behauf? Or intil Paul's name war ye bapteez't?

14. I gie thanks to God that nane 0' ye I bapteez't, gin it warna Crispus and Gaius;

)5. That nane micht say I bapteez't in my ain name.

16. Howbeit, I bapteez't too the family 0' Stephanas: mair nor thir I kenna whether I bapteez't ony.

l7. For Christ sent-me-na to bapteeze, but to gie oot the Joyfu' message; no in wisdom 0' speech, least the cross 0' Christ soud he made less 0'.

18. For the message 0' the cross is but havers to thae wha perish: hoobeit, to thae wha are rescued, e'en to us, it is the pooer 0' God.

19. For it is putten doon: "I destroy the wisdom o' the wyss anes, and set aside the discernment o' the discernin anes."

20. Whaur is a wyss anei Whaur a writer? Whaur a disputer 0' this warld? Has-na God made the wisdom o' the warld witlessness?

21. For, seein that i' the wisdom o' the warld, the warld keut-na God throwe its wisdom, it was God's gude pleasur, throwe the witlessness o' preachin, to save them that has faith.

22. For baith Jews for ferlies are speirin, and Greeks for wisdom are seekin :

23. Whauras we proclaim a Messiah wha has been crucify't; to the Jews, indeed, a stumblin-clog; but to the Greeks folly ;

24. Nane-the-less, to the hidden anes theirsels, baith Jews and Greeks, a Messiah; the pooer 0' God, and the wisdom 0' God.

  1. V. 6. The Teatimonie o' Christ; the Message concernin Christ, as brocht to them by Paul.