Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/27

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The bannocks and speldrins.
The barin o' the Pharisees.

30. And great croods o' folk cam to him, haein vi' them lameters, sichtless, dumb, maimed, and mony mair; and laid them doon at Jesus' feet; and be healed them.

31. Sae that the folk ferlied uncolie, to behauld the dumb speakin, the maimed hale, the lameters to gang, and the blin' seein; and they glorify't the God 0' Isra'l.

32. Than Jesus ca'd his disciples to him, and quo' he, "I hae pitie on the folk, for that they has been wi' me noo thrie days, and has nae meat; and I winna send them awa, least they soud swarf i' the gate."

33. And the disciples said to him, "In whatna way coud we has see muckle breid i' the wilderness, as to fill sae rest a crood 0' folk?"

34. Jesus says to them,"Hoo mony bannocks hae ye?" And they said, "Seeven; and a wheen wee speldrins."

35. And he commandit the folk to sit doon on the grun'.

36. And he took the seeven bannocks, and the fish, and gied thanks; and he brak, and gied to the disciples, and they to a' the folk.

37. And they did a' sat, and war filled; and they gaither't up 0' the broken meat left, seeven creels fu'.

88. And they wha did eat war fowr thoosan' men, forby weemen and bairns.

39. And he sent the folk awa; and gaed intil a boat. and cam to the pairts o' Magadan.

The barin 0' the Pharisees. Peter's graun confession. What is tint, and what is won.

AND the Pharisees and the Sadducses cam, and in a twafauld way speir't at him, "Gin he wadna schaw them a token frae Heeven?"

2. He answer't, and quo' he, "Whan it is e'enin ye say, 'Fair wather; for the sky is reid!'

3. "And i' the momin, 'Broken wather the day, for the sky is reid and lowerin! 'Ye ken hoo to judge the scaum o' the sky;—can ye no the signs 0' the times?

4. "An ill~deedie and adulterous race seek eftir some sign; and nae sign sal be gi'en till't but the sign 0' Jonah." And he gaed aff frae them.

5. And the disciples cam to the ither side, and forget to tak breid.

6. And Jesus said to them, "Tak tent, and troke ye-na wi' the harm 0' the Pharisees and Sadducees!"

7. And they spak ane till anither, sayin, "We took nae breid!"

8. And Jesus, kennin it, said, "O ye o' the sum' faith, why soud ye reason amang yersels for that ye has nae breid?

9. "Dae ya no ken, dae ye no mind, the fyve bannocks o' the fyve thoosan': and hoo mony baskets ye gaither't?

10. "Neither the seeven bannocks o' the fowr thoosan', and hoo mony creels ye gaithei-'t?

11. "Boo is't ye dinna ken I spak to-ye-na anent breid; but to tak tent and beware 0' the teachins o' the Pharisees and the Sadducees!"

12. Than saw they hoo be bad them no beware 0' the harm o' the breid, but 0' the doctrines o' the Pharisees and Sadducees.

13. Whan Jesus had come intil the kintra-side o' Philip's Cesarea, he speir't at his disciples, "Wha dae folk say the Son 0' Man is?"

14. And quo' they, "Some, John the Baptist; and some, Elijah; and ithers, Jeremiah, or ans 0' the Prophets."

15. He says to them, "But wha say ye that I am 1"

16. And Simon Peter spak, and quo' he, "Thou art the Anointit Ane, the Son 0' the Leovin God!"

17. And Jesus answerin, says till him, "Happy are ye, Simon, son 0' John! for nae flesh and blude tell't it t'ye, but my Faither i' the Heevens.