Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/311

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God is Love.
1. JOHN, V.
God's bairnd.

6. We are 0' God! He that kens God, hearkens to us; and he that isna 0' God hearkens-na till us: and sae we ken the spirit 0’ truth and the spirit 0' error.

7. Beloved, lat us lo'e ane anither; for love is 0; God; and ilk ane that lo'es is begotten 0' God, and kens God.

8. He that lo'es-na, ne'er kent God : for God is love.

9. And sae was made to be seen the love 0' God in us, that God sent oot his only-begotten Son into the warld, that we micht leeve throws him.

10. In this is love-no that we lo'ed God, but that he lo'ed us, and sent oot his Son, a coverin-ower for oor sins.

11. Beloved! gin God sae lo'ed us. we too soud lo'e ane anither,

12. Nae ane has at any time seen God; gin we be lo'ein ane anither God hides in us, and his love has been made perfete in us.

13. And thus we ken that we bide in him. and he hides in us, on account 0' his Spirit he has gien us.

14. And we has [1]seen him, and gie witness that the father has sent oot the Son, as the Saviour 0' the warld.

15. Whasae may own that Jesus is the Son 0' God, God hides in him, and he abides in God.

16. And we has come to ken and to believe the love that God has to us. God is love; and he wha hides in love, hides in God, and God hides in him.

17. Herein is love perfetit in us, that we may hae freedom 0' speech i' the day 0' judgment, in that, e'en as he is, sae are we i' this warld.

18. Fear bides-na in love; nay, perfete love casts oot fear; for fear has misery, and wha fears isna made perfete in love.

19. We lo'e, for that he first lo'ed us.

20. Gin aiblins an ane soud say. "I lo'e God I" an is hatin his brither, he is a leear; for he that lo'es-na his hrither wham he has seen hoo can he be lo'ein God whom he hasna seen!

21. And this commaun has we frae him, that he wha lo'es God is to be lo'ein his hrither as wee;.

Hoe am is born again: and hoo it is seen and kent.

WHASAE believes that Christ is the Anointit, is begotten 0' God; and ilka ane that lo'es him that begat, lo'es him as weel that is begotten 0' him.

2. By this we ken that we lo'e God's bairns, when we lo'e God, and are keepin his commauns:

3. For this Is the love 0' God, that we soud keep his commauns; and his commauns are na burden.

4. For a' that is born 0' God owercomes the world; and this is the victory that overcam the warld, e'en oor faith.

5. And wha is he that owercomes the warld, but he that believes Jesus is God's Son?

6. This is he wha came baith by watir and blude, Jesus Christ; no in watir alane; but by the watir and by the blude.

7. And it is the Spirit that is bearin witness, for the Spirit is truth.

8. For thar are thrie that are giean witness, the Spirit, and the watir, and the blude; and the thrie are for the ae thing.

9. Gin we accept the witness 0' men, the witness 0' God is mair; for this is the witness 0' God, that he has witnessed anent his Son.

10. He wha hauds to the Son 0' God has the witness in himsel; be


  1. V. 14. John says, "Nae ane has at ony time seen God," that is the Faither: but since the Apostles had seen Christ, he had seen God. And our Lord says the same, John xiv. 9.