Page:Windsor Forest - Pope (1720).djvu/19

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With chymic art exalts the min'ral pow'rs,
And draws the aromatic souls of flow'rs.
Now marks the course of rolling orbs on high;
O'er figur'd worlds now travels with his eye.
Of ancient writ unlocks the learned store,
Consults the dead, and lives past ages o'er.
Or wand'ring thoughtful in the silent wood,
Attends the duties of the wise and good,
T'observe a mean, be to himself a friend,
To follow nature, and regard his end.
Or looks on heav'n with more than mortal eyes,
Bids his free soul expatiate in the skies,
Amidst her kindred stars familiar roam,
Survey the region, and confess her home!
Such was the life great Scipio once admir'd,
Thus Atticus, and Trumbal thus retir'd.

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