Page:Windsor Forest - Pope (1720).djvu/20

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Ye sacred Nine! that all my soul possess,
Whose raptures fire me, and whose visions bless,
Bear me, oh bear me to sequester'd scenes,
Of bow'ry mazes, and surrounding greens;
To Thames's banks which fragrant breezes fill,
Or where ye Muses sport on Cooper's hill.
(On Cooper's hill eternal wreaths shall grow,
While lasts the mountain, or while Thames shall flow .)
I seem thro' consecrated walks to rove,
And hear soft musick dye along the grove;
Led by the sound I roam from shade to shade,
By god-like Poets venerable made:
Here his first lays majestick Denham sung;
There the last numbers flow'd from [1]Cowley's tongue.

  1. Mr. Cowley died at Chertsey on the borders of the Forest, and was from thence convey'd to Westminster.

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