Page:Wit Restor'd in Severall Select Poems, 1658.djvu/53

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Wit Reſtor’d.

Or ile stopp up the abufe’d courfe
And ſend up fumes will make you worke
And you (as Mayerne doth) they ſay
Divert the vent another way,
Then ſpight of phyſick, in a word,
I’le make your palace caſt a courd,
And when you belch I’le turne the ſent
To perfect ſmell of fundament.

The Miller and the King’s Daughter,
By Mr. Smith.

There were two Siſters they went a playing,
With a hie downe, downe, a downe-a-
To ſee their fathers ſhips come ſayling in
With a hy downe, downe, a downe-a-

And when they came unto the ſea-brym,
With, &c,
The elder did puſh the younger in;
With, &c,

O Siſter, O Siſter,rake me by the gowne,
With, &c,
And drawe me up upon the dry ground.
With, &c,

O Siſter, O Siſter, that may not bee,
With, &c,

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