Page:Wit Restor'd in Severall Select Poems, 1658.djvu/54

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Wit Reſtor’d.
Till ſalt and oatmeale grow both of a tree;
With, &c.

Somtymes ſhe ſanke, Somtymes ſhe ſwam,
With, &c.
Untill ſhe came unto the mil-dam;
With, &c.

The miller runne haſtily downe the cliffe,
With, &c.
And up he betook her withouten her life,
With, &c.

What did he doe with her breſt bone?
With, &c.
He made him a viall to play thereupon,
With, &c.

What did he doe with her fingers ſo ſmall?
With, &c.
He made him peggs to his Violl withall;
With, &c.

What did he doe with her noſe-ridge?
With, &c.
Unto his Violl he made him a bridge,
With, &c.

What did he do with her Veynes ſo blewe?
with, &c.