Page:Wit Restor'd in Severall Select Poems, 1658.djvu/55

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Wit Reſtor’d.
He made him ſtrings to his Viole thereto;
with, &c.

What did he doe with her eyes ſo bright?
with, &c.
Upon his Violl he playd at firſt ſight;
with, &c.

What did he doe with her tongue ſoe rough?
with, &c.
Unto the violl it ſpake enough;
with, &c.

What did he doe with her two ſhinnes?
with, &c.
Unto the violl they danc’t Moll Syms;
with, &c.

Then beſpake the treble ſtring,
with, &c.
O yonder is my father the King;
with, &c.

Then beſpake the ſecond ſtring,
with, &c.
O yonder ſitts my mother the Queen:
with, &c.

And then beſpake the ſtinges all three,
with, &c.