Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/11

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and large building of that spacious city., the King and many of his Nobles in company, as they were walking through the King’s garden, among the Images of the Saints, they came to the image of the Virgin Mary who stood in a melancholy posture, with a babe in her arms: One of the Noblemen said to the British Ambassador, Dont you think she looks as if she were angry? O yes', says George, she is angry when she sees Englishmen and Frenchmen in friendship and unity one with another. No, no, said the French King, she loves nothing better then the reconciliation of enemies; peace and unity is her delight. Then George sets in below the statue, and looking up, O, says he, I see now what is the cause she looks so angry-like, somebody has driven a great nail in her backside, I see the head of it sticking out; it would vex any living be’s a piece of wood. At this the King was greatly enraged against him, for calling her a piece of wood; and nothing would satisfy the King, unleſs that he would fall down and worship her, and crave mercy of her for the blaſphemous reproached wherewith he had reproached her. Then George cried out, O may it pleaſe your majeſty to omit it at this time? I dare not look her in the face, she frowns on me with such an angry countenance; this dutiful command of yours muſt be delayed until