Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/10

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fellow, who was carried before a Judge where he was searched; and nothing being found upon him, he was acquitted, and the miſer fined in a large sum for accusing him, Afterwards George desired him to go to the same place, and thrust in both his hands and lift up as much as he could, and run off This he did, but the Miser told him, he was pot such a fool as to fellow him, for he knew he only desired to play the fool, to have him fined again. By this means the poor fellow was enriched, and afterwards lived well.

 14. George being at dinner one day where the broth was very hot, burnt his, mouth, and at the same time letting go a loud fart; it is very good for you, says he, that you made your escape, for I should have burnt you alive, had you staid.
 15. A young Curate, with more pertness than wit or learning, being asked in company, how he came to take it into his head to enter into the ministry oi the church? Because, said he, the Lord had need of me. That may be, replied George, who was present, for I have often read, that our Lord had once need of an ass,
 16. George being sent with the British Ambassador into Italy, by the way of Paris; as they were viewing the beautiful ſtatues