Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/9

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with him. George, at first, seemed unwilling to part with his horse but, as last, was prevailed upon to part with him for the Nobleman's horse and a hundred guineas aboot. But afterwards riding tho' a pretty deep river, the Nobleman spurring his new horse, he clapped down on his belly; which George seeing called out to the company to return with the dogs, for the Nobleman's horse had certainly set a hare, which set the whole company a laughing. The poor Nobleman was obliged to leave his horse set in the water and waded through on foot all wet to the shoulders.

 13. A Scotsman being reduced to povety made his court to George, to put him in a way to get some money; who told him he would, providing he would do as he directed him. There was an old miser, an usurer and money-changer, hard by; George ordered the fellow to pretend an errand to the miser, and when he came to the table where the heaps of money lay, to thrust his hand among the gold, but to lift none, and run off. This the poor fellow did,

and was chased by the miser and his servants, who ran after him into the street, calling, Stop the thief? The poor fellow was stopt, (for George had desired him to let them catch him.) George appeared in the mob, and went along with the poor