Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/8

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therefore he was honourably acquitted, and the others were heartily laughed at.

 11.In the reign of King James the 6th George dining one day with the Lord Mayor,

after two or three healths, the Ministry was tossed; but when it came to George's turn to drink he diverted it some time by telling a story to the person who sat next him the chief magistrate not seeing his toast go round, called out What sticks the Ministry so? At nothing cries Ghorge; and so drank of his glass.

 12. George being one day along with the King and his Nobles a-hunting, and being but very sorrily mounted, when he was spurring up his horse, he observed the horse have a trick of falling down on his knees, George immediately thought how he should make use of that very thing to divert his Majesty ; therefore pretended that his horse could set hares  and knowing some hares'-seats, rode that way to show the truth of what he affirmed. So when he had found the hare, by giving his horse a spur, he immediately clapped down: this

he repeated several times, till he put the whole company in belief that what he had said was true. Then one of the Nobleman being charmed with the performance of George's horse, would have him change