Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/7

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money in your life. Why so? said the sharper. Because, answered George, you would lose it again in less than in a week.

 9. One asked George, Why men always made suit to the women, but the women never to the men ? Why, says he, because the women are always ready for the men, but the men are not always ready forthe women.
 10. George went into the mint one day when they were melting gold. One of the workmen asked George. if he would have his hat-full of gold? George readily accepted, but it burnt the bottom out of his hat, as they knew it would and for that time they laughed at George. However, to be even with them, George bought a fine large hat, and caused a plate of copper to be put betwixt the hat and the lining and returned next day. They again, jestingly, asked him, if he would have another hat full of gold? George said he would; and they poured it red hot into his hat; and now George began to laugh at them in his turn, telling them, that this new hat was a good one, and stood fire better then the old one, and so carried it off honestly. And being afterwards prosecuted for to return it, he excused himself, telling the Judge, that he took nothing but what was given him; and