Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/6

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but George, it seems, was out of humour, or at least seemingly so, and spoke but very little to the purpose; so that the French king told the Nobleman that commended him for such a wit, that he looked upon him as a very dull fellow. But the Nobleman assured the King, that whatever the thought of him, George was a very witty and ingenious man. Whereupon the King was resolved to make further trial of him, and took him into a great gallery, where there were abundance of fine pictures; and among the rest, shewed him the picture of our Saviour on the cross, and asked him if he knew who that was? George, pretending ignorance, answered, No. Why, says the King, I'll tell you, if you don't know this is the picture of our Saviour on the cross and that on the right hand, is the Popes and that on the left is mine own. Where upon George replied, I humbly thank you Majesty for the information, for though I have often heard that our Saviour was crucified between two thieves, yet I never knew who they were before.

 8. A sharper, who had acquired vast riches by cheating, told, George, that such a thing as a good name was to purchased, he would freely give ten thousand pounds for one. Sir, said George I would certainly be the worse Laid-out