Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/5

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5. George being in a company where three Bishops were present at dinner, they knowing George to be a real scholar, and comical withal, they put upon him to say the grace, which he did as follows:

Here are three brethren of the coat,
Who for thy blissings thank thee not:
Curse them all, and bless them not. Amen.

Fall on, gentleman, said George, the cause is good. This grace made the Bishops look like fools to one another, and George laughed heartily at the great confusion they were in.

6 А Candlemaker having had some candles stolen from him, was telling it in a company where George was present: Friend, says George, be of good cheer, for in a short time they will all come to light.

7. George being sent to Paris about some business, went from thence to Versailles, to see the French king's Court; and being known there to several of the Courtiers which had been at the English Court, one of them took occasion to tell the Fench king, that George was one of the wittiest men in England. Upon which the French king desired to see him, and he was accordingly introduced to his Majesty's presence