Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/4

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why these two should not be joined together, let them declare it. The Master being in the next room, overheard all that was said; and coming into the School, he ordered the boy who had eaten his cherries to be taking up or as he called it horsed on another boy's back; but, before he proceeded to the usual discipline, he cried out aloud, as the delinquent had done, I publish the bands between this boy's backside and My taws; if any one knows a just cause or impediment why these two should not be joined together let them declare it. George passing by in the mean-time overheard this proclamation, and cried cut, I forbid the bands. Why so, says the Schoolmaster Because the parties are not agreed, said he Which answer so pleased the Master, that the boy was set down without punishment.

 4. A young Gentleman, that wanted to be witty on the Scriptures, eating some cheese full of mites, one night at a tavern. Now, said he, I have done as much as Sampson, for I have slain my thousand and ten thousands. Yes, replied George who happened to be in the companies and with the same weapon too, the Jaw-bone of an ass. Which answer set the who

company a-laughing, to see the young (illegible text) beat with his own weapons.