Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/16

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thought that every body knew who he was, when the coalman knew so well.

 19. One night an English 'Squire, who pretended to be better versed in poetry then George, laid a wager with another gentleman five guineas against one, that George could not metre the first words he would say to him in the morning, when newly awaked out of sleep. So the Gentleman went the night before, and told George of the wager, and warned him to be on his guard, for in the morning they would certainly come, and that right early. At midnight and you will, says George, I'll order my servant to let you in. So the English Squire sat up all night conferring with his friends, whether to put a high verse to him, or mean and simple words; thinking that George would be sitting up all night meditating on an answer. So they all agreed, that mean and simple words he would not be thinking on, and therefore have no answer provided for such. Then away they came in the morning very early, with several gentlemen in the diversion. George's servant opened the door, according to his master's orders. The 'Squire entered the room first, and wakened George out of his sleep, then said,