Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/17

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                          Rise up you madman,
                            and put on your cloaths,
                          To which George answered,
                       O thou hast lost thy wod man,
                            For I'm none of those.

The English 'Squire confessed he was fairly beat, and would match with him no more. Then, another gentleman would hold five guineas, that he would give him a word or nine, that he could not metre at the first answer, and to answer it directly as soon as he had done speaking. But George ordered him first to table the money, and then to proceed; which he did in all haste and said as follows:

   My belly rumbld, and them I farted.

George, gripping to the money, answered,

       A fool and his money is soon parted.

Then they all cried out he was fairly beat, and what George had said, was really true. So they never would lay any more waggers concerning poetry.

 20  A Bishop sent & letter to George, to let him know that he was coming to visit him, and take dinner with him in his lodgings, George sent an answer, that he would wait upon his Lordship on the day