Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/18

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appointed. But well did George know it was not for any love he had to him, that he was coming to visit him, but spy fairlies; therefore he thought he should give him something to talk about, So George sent his servant to a Bookſeller's shop, to buy a dozen of small pamphlets, about a halfpenny a piece; such as, A groat's worth of Wit for a penny; the 'Hiſtory of the King and the Cobler; the Exploits of Thomas Hickathrift, and such like pieces. And taking all his own books away, he put the pamphlets in their place; which he prenſented to the Bishop, when he asked for a sight of his library. What, says the Bishop, have you no more books but these? No more, says George, but my Bible. O, says the Bishop, I wonder how you can either speak plain, or write a perfect sentence, when you have no other books than these. O says. George, do you think that I am a Clergyman, to borrow other men's Sermons to beautify my works? No, no, not I; all that I write I dite; I meditate out of my own brain.-- This check, concerning borrowing, put the Bishop in a cold sweat, yet he concealed his passion. Then George called to his servant, if dinner was ready yet? To which he answerd, Come, master, come, the pot is on the boil! get out the meal-pock. Then Geoge went into the