Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/19

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room where the servant was, and set the Bishop at the out-side of the first, and sat down on the other himself, while his servant made a great bowl full of milk-brose, and sat them down between the Bishop and George. Then George desired his Lordship to ask a blessing to what they were to receive. The Bishop not knowing what he meant by a blessing, it not being usual for the English to do so, asked at George what it was. Then George took up a great rams-horn spoon, and put it in the Bishop's hand, saying. There it is, my Lord. What; said the Bishop, call you that a blessing? We call it a spoon. O my Lord said George, it is the best blessing you can ask, if it do not come-empty. Well, says the Bishop, and how do you call that scalded meal. Why, said George, we call it Scotch brose. O, said the Bishop I cannot eat any of it. O, said George, the thing we cannot eat, we we sup; my Lord; since you are in a Scotchman's house, you must partake of a Scotchman's victuals. Then said the Bishop, I always thought the Scotch lived well until now, I would not be a Scotchman for the world. O, said George, if a Scotchman live twenty years, and get but nineteen years meat, he'll not reckon himself badly off. What! said the Bishop, not badly off, and want a year's victuals? Upon any word of honour, it I wanted one