Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/20

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day's victuals, I'd be sure to die the next. O said George, we drink water when we cannot do better, and that puts us in remembrance of wealth, for a dish of contentment is good cheer. Then said the Bishop I'll drink water too, if it be good for the memory, Ah, do said George, and you'll remember me when you do so.-- So, after dinner, the Bishop took his leave of George, and invited him to come next day and dine with him.--Next day, according to promise George went to the Bishop's lodging; but no sooner did the Bishop see George, than he ſaluted him with these words.

      Your servant, master wise-man,
          And yet you have no books!
        How can one have knowledge,
          That no man instructs?
                 George answered,
      Your servant master Bishop,
          Your salutation's good;
      Your knowledge is in your Library,
          While others is in their hood.

Then, after a sumptuous dinner, the Bishop took George into his Library, and showed him a great collection of Books; which George praised very much: Among the best, was an old Hebrew Bible, which