��cago public schools, Olivet (Mich.) Coll., Chicago Art Inst.; honorary M.A. Olivet Coll. Awarded silver medal by St. Louis Exposition. Mem. Nat. Acad, of Design, Nat. Sculpture See, Am. Numismatic Soc, Am. Federation of Arts, Mu- nicipial Art Soc. Opposed to woman suffrage.
LONGN'KCKEK, Elisabeth Dye (Mrs. George
Riley Longnecker), Maysville, Ky.
Born Indianapolis, Ind. ; dau. John T. and Annie (Holton) Dye; ed. Indianapolis private schools and private teachers; m. Indianapolis, Ind., June 23, 1903, George Riley Longnecker. Active in social service and woman's club vt'ork. Favors restricted equal suffrage. Writer of short stories and magazine articles on social ser- vice and women's interests. Mem. Fortnightly Literary Club of Indianapolis; vlce-pres. of Woman's Club of Mason Co., Ky ; first pres. of Dramatic Club of Indianapolis, Contemporary Liub, Fortnightly Literary Club, Dramatic Club of Indianapolis, Mason Co. Woman's Department Club, Washington Study Club.
LONGSTBEET, Helsn Dortch (Mrs. Jamea Long- street), Gainesville, Ga.
Author, postmaster; b. Franklin Co., Ga. ; dau. James S. and Mary M. (Pulllam) Dortch; ed. Brenau Coll., Gainesville, Ga. ; Notre Dam© Con- vent, Baltimore, Md. ; m. Atlanta, Ga., at Ex- ecutive Mansion, Sept. 8, 1897, Gen. James Longstreet. During girlhood and young woman- hood, editor of an important Georgia weekly and daily (political papers); was first Georgia woma.n to hold oflace under State government, being ap- pointed assistant State librarian by Gov. W. Y. Atkinson ; at the 1912 session of the Legislature was successful in having bill passed directing Buit to recover Tallulah Falls, greatest scenic wonder of the western hemisphere, which has been appropriated and Is being commercialized by a waterpower trust. Pres. Lincoln Memorial Ass'n for Georgia, which is erecting Lincoln Memorial fountain on the Post-office lot in Gainesville; prea. of the Slavee of the Southern Confederacy Monument Ass'n for erecting a mon- ument at the national capital to the ex-slaves of the Southern Confederacy. Author: Lee and Longstreet at High Tide (history); The White Heart of the Black Race (book of negro dialect stories which was publistied in 1913). Recrea- tions: Horseback riding, rowing and all out-door sports. Roman Catholic. Favors woman suf- frage. Progressive.
LOOMIS, Clara Denison, 223 Bluff, Yokohama, Japan.
Principal Kyoritsu Jo Gakko (Union Girls' School); b. San Rafael, Cal., Oct. 14, 1887; dau. Rev. Henry and Mrs. Jane Herring (Greene) Loomls; grad. Newton (Mass.) High School, 1893-96; Smith Coll., 1896-1900; Columbia Univ. and Union Theol. Sem., M.A. (mem. Oriental Club, Smith Coll.). Went to Japan under the Woman's Union Missionary Soc. of N.Y. in 1901; has since been prin. of a school of about 100 Japanese girls. Vice-pres. of Smith Club of Japan. Interested in securing higher education tor Japanese women. Mem. of Union Church (undenominational).
LOOMIS, Ellen Seymour Han-son (Mrs. Archi- bald Gilbert Loomla), Providence, R.I. Bom Hartford, Conn., Nov. 13, 1860; dau. Daniel Dustln and Cornelia Barnard (Seymour) Han- son; grad. Hartford Hitfh School; m. Hartford, Conn., May 18, 1892, Archibald Gilbert Loomls; children: Madeleine, b. March 22, 1894; Stillman Wadsworth Loomls, b. May 18, 1900. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Order of Americana of Armorial Ancestry, D.A.R., Daughters of 1812. LOOMIS, Jennie, Windsor, Conn.
Born Windsor, Conn., June 21, 1871; dau. Thomas Warren and Jennie (Cooke) Loomls; ed. Young Ladies' Inst., Windsor, Conn.; Welles- ley Coll., B.S. 1892. Interested in church work. Assistant manager Junior Auxiliary Hartford Archdeaconery ; mem. D.A.R. (Regent Abigail Wolcott Ellsworth Chapter); member State Re- gents' Council, 1911-13; chairman House Com.
��Ellsworth Memorial Ass'n; pres. Hartford Wel- lesley Club, 1912-13; sec. Loomis Family Ass'n; sec. Board of Trustees Loomis Inst. Mem. Soc. Mayflower Descendants, Soc. for Preservation of New England Antiquities, Loomis Family Ass'n, College Settlement Ass'n, Church Ass'n In Inter- est of Labor, G.F.S., Wellesley Club (Hartford), Hartford College Club, Literature Club of Wind- sor. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage at present.
LOOMIS, Louise Ropes, Cloone Farm, Blooming
Grove, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Yokohama, Japan, 1874; dau. Rev. Henry and Jane Herring (CJreene) Loomls; ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '97; Columbia Univ., A.M. '02; Ph.D. '06. Instructor in Greek and History. Whitman Coll., Walla Walla, Wash., 18S8-1901; lecturer in history, Barnard Coll., 1903-4; warden of Sage Coll. and lecturer In history Cornell Univ., 1904-8. Interested in agriculture; now combining historical work with life on a farm. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Mediaeval Hel- lenism; also various articles and reviews.
LOOMIS, Mary Trask (Mrs. Paul Henry Loomlsj, 147 Plneywoods Av., Springfield, Mass. Born Holyoke, Mass., Aug. 25, 1877; dau. Rev.
John Low Rogers Trask (D.D.) and Abby Jane
(Parker) Trask; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. 1900;
m. Springfield, Mass., Nov. 18, 1903, Paul Henry
Loomis; children: Ellery Trask, John Dwlght.
Mem. Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. Mem.
the Women's Club, the Springfield Coll. Club.
Undenominational Christian.
LOOSE, Katharine Bi^el, 120 N. 5th St., Read- ing, Pa.
Writer; b. Berks County, Pa., 18T7; dau. Charles G. Loose, M.D., and Sarah (Riegel) Loose; ed. Bryn Mawr, A.B. '98. Author of short stories In Harper's Monthly and Scribner's and book: Hearts Contending (1910).
LOPEB, Ruth Bust, 2440 Garfield Av., Minne- apolis, Minn.
Born Oshkosh, Wis., Nov. 14, 1886; dau. John Howard and Abble Grover (Rust) Loper; ed. Endion Grade School, Maynard Hall, Dnluth, Minn., and private tutors in Minneapolis, Minn. Mem. Presbyterian Church but much interested in New Thought; worker in the Life Power So- ciety of Minneapolis, and interested in all phases of New Thought and most particularly the healing; also interested In literature and music. Mem. Colonial Chapter D.A.R., Bethle- hem Chapter of Westminster Guild, Fortnightly Study Club, and Fifth District State Fed. of Women's Clubs.
LOPEZ, Maria De G. E., San Gabriel, Los Ange- les Co., Cal.
Teacher; b. San Gabriel, Cal., 1881; dau. Ju&n N. and Guadalupe (Vidal) L6pez; ed. UnlT. of Cal., B.S. '11; Los Angeles State Normal School, '99; Pasadena High School, Mexico, '97. Since 1903 teacher of Spanish in Los Angeles High School; teacher of English for foreigners in the Los Angeles Evening High School, training for citizenship. One of the founders of the Woman's City Club In Los Angeles; mem. Woman's Col- lege Club, Woman's Business Club, Eliecntlve Board of the High School Teachers' Ass'n of Los Angeles. Pres. College Equal Suftraca League of Southern Cal. when suffrage was won In 1911; first person to make speeches in Cal. on equal suffrage In the Spanish language; also spoke In English. Progressive. Recreation: Tramping.
LORD, Eleanor Looisa, Goucher College, Balti- more, Md.
Dean and prof, of history; b. Salem, Mass., July 27, 1866; dau. Henry Clay and Katherina A. (Holland) Lord; ed. in public grammar and high schools. Maiden, Mass.; Smith Coll., A.B., A.M.; Brvn Mawr Coll.. Ph.D.; felloe In history, Bryn Mawr. 1889-90. 1895-96; held foreign fel- lowship Women's Educational Soc. of Boston 1894-95; studied at Cambridge Univ., England; research worker at Public Record Office, London,
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