Page:Works of Heinrich Heine 01.djvu/138

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"The Sonderburg is over there,
Where knights drink mead withouten fear;
There are many kempé and warriors known,
Who well in battle can hold their own."
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

A golden armlet he unwound,
It weighed, I ween, full fifteen pound;
He placed it in the shepherd's belt,
For showing him where the warriors dwelt.
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

Then he rode unto the castle, and slew first Randulf and next Strandulf.

He slew strong Ege Under, another,
He slew the Ege Karl his brother;
So right and left his sword blows fall,
To right and left he slew them all.
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

Sir Vonved puts his sword in the sheath,
He rides afar o'er the gloomy heath;
In the wild mark he found, ere long,
A warrior, and he was strong.
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

"Tell me, thou noble rider good,
Where does the fish stay in the flood?
Where is the noblest wine of all?
Where does Vidrich drink with his lords in hall?'
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

"In the east the fish stays in the flood,

In the north they drink the wine so good;