Page:Works of Heinrich Heine 01.djvu/139

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In Holland thou findest Vidrich alone,
With knights and warriors many a one."
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

From his breast he took an armlet bright,
And gave it to the other knight:
"Say that thou wert the very last man,
"Who ever gold from Sir Vonved wan."
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

Herr Vonved did to a castle ride,
And bid the porter open wide;
He shut the gate, the bolt he drew,
Over the wall Sir Vonved flew.
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

His good horse with a rope he bound,
His way to the castle-hall he found;
He sat him at the table free;
Never a word to man spake he.
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

He ate, he drank, he broke his bread,
Unto the king no word he said:
"Never I heard before a king,
So much accursed chattering!"
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

The king said to his knights all round,
"The crazy fellow must be bound;
Unless ye bind the stranger tight,
I ween your service is but slight."
Sir Vonved, look about thee!

"Take five, take twenty, knights, I say,

Come thou thyself into the play;