Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 01.djvu/281

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pyrotechnic phenomena of, 108, 176; not altogether a delirium, 115; how possible, in its highest form, 153, 171, 235.

Ludicrous, feeling and instances of the, 38, 144.

Magna Charta, 215.

Malthus's over-population panic, 180.

Man, by nature naked, 2, 44, 49; essentially a tool-using animal, 32; the true Shekinah, 52; a divine Emblem, 57, 174, 177, 190, 212; two men alone honourable, 181. See Thinking Man.

Metaphors the stuff of Language, 57.

Metaphysics inexpressibly unproductive, 42, 54.

Milton, 131.

Miracles, significance of, 203, 209.

Monmouth-Street, and its "Ou' clo'" Angels of Doom, 193.

Mother's, a, religious influence, 79.

Motive-Millwrights, 176.

Mountain scenery, 122.

Mystery, all-pervading domain of, 54.

Nakedness and hypocritical Clothing, 44, 50; a naked Court-Ceremonial, 48; a naked Duke addressing a naked House of Lords, 49.

Names, significance and infiuence of, 68, 207.

Napoleon and his Political Evangel, 142.

Nature, the God-written Apocalypse of, 41, 62; not an Aggegate but a Whole, 55, 123, 196, 205; Nature alone antique, 84; sympathy with, 121, 143; the 'Living Garment of God,' 150; Laws of Nature, 204.

Necessity, brightened into Duty, 78.

Newspaper Editors, 35; our Mendicant Friars, 201.

Nothingness of life, 146.

Obedience, the lesson of, 79, 198.

Orpheus, 209.

Over-population, 180.

Own, conservation of a man's, 159.

Paradise and Fig-leaves, 29; prospective Paradises, 108, 116.

Passivity and Activity, 78, 129.

Past, the, inextricably linked with the Present 136,; for ever extant, 207.

Paupers, what to do with, 183.

Peace-Era, the much-predicted, 140.

Peasant Saint, the, 182.

Pelham, and the Whole Duty of Dandies, 222.

Perseverance, law of, 189.

Person, mystery of a, 61, 107, 109, 190.

Philosophies, Cause-and-Efltect, 28.

Phœnix Death-birth, 189, 194, 214.

Property, 159.

Proselytising, 6, 235.

Badicalism, Speculative, 10, 22, 60, 199.

Raleigh's, Sir Walter, fine mantle, 38.

Religion, dead letter and living spirit of, 92; weaving new vestures, 171, 220.

Reverence, early growth of, 79; indispensability of, 200.

Richter, 25.

Saints, living Communion of, 197, 202.

Sarcasm, the panoply of, 104.

Sartor Resartus, genesis of, 8; its purpose, 213.

Saturn or Chronos, 103.

Savage, the aboriginal, 30.

Scarecrow, significance of the, 49.

Sceptical goose-cackle, 54.

School education, insignificance of, 83, 84; tin-kettle terrors and incitements, 83; need of Soul-Architects, 85.

Science, the Torch of, 1; the Scientific Head, 53.

Secrecy, benignant efficacies of, 174.

Self-activity, 21.

Self-annihilation, 149.

Shame, divine, mysterious growth of, 31; the soil of all Virtue, 174.

Silence, 143; the element in which all great things fashion themselves, 174.

Simon's, Saint, aphorism of the golden age, 188; a false application, 237.

Smoke, advantage of consuming one's, 120.

Society founded upon Cloth, 40, 48, 50; how Society becomes possible, 171; social Death and New-Birth, 172, 188, 195, 214; as good as extinct, 184.

Solitude. See Silence.

Sorrow-pangs of Self-deliverance, 121, 127, 128; divine depths of Sorrow, 151; Worship of Sorrow, 154.

Space and Time, the Dream-Canvas upon which Life is imaged, 42, 51, 204, 207.

Spartan wisdom, 183.

Speculative intuition, 40. See German.

Speech, great, but not greatest, 174.

Sphinx-riddle, the Universe a, 102.

Stealing, 159, 182.

Stupidity, blessings of, 130.

Style, varieties of, 57.

Suicide, 133.

Sunset, 74, 123.

Swallows, migrations and coöperative instincts of, 76.

Swineherd, the, 74.

Symbols, 173; wondrous agency of, 174;