Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 01.djvu/282

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extrinsic and intrinsic, 177; superannuated, 179, 185.

Tailors, symbolic significance of, 230.

Temptations in the wilderness, 146.

Testimonies of Authors, 241.

Teufelsdröckh's Philosophy of Clothes, 5; he proposes a toast, 11; bis personal aspect, and silent deepseated Sansculottism, 12; thawed into speech, 14; memorable watch-tower utterances, 15; alone with the Stars, 17; extremely miscellaneous environment, 18; plainness of speech, 22; universal learning, and multiplex literary style, 23: ambiguous-looking morality, 24; one instance of laughter, 25; almost total want of arrangement, 26; feeling of the ludicrous, 38; speculative Radicalism, 50; a singular Character, 61; Genesis properly an Exodus, 64; unprecedented Name, 69; infantine experience, 70; Pedagogy, 80; an almost Hindoo Passivity, 80; school-boy jostling, 83; heterogeneous University-Life, 88; fever-paroxysms of Doubt, 92; first practical knowledge of the English, 93; getting under way, 95; ill success, 100; glimpse of high-life, 101; casts himself on the Universe, 107; reverent feeling towards Women, 108; frantically in love, 110; first interview with Blumine, 112; inspired moments, 114; short of practical kitchen-stuff, 116; ideal bliss, and actual catastrophe, 118; sorrows, and peripatetic stoicism, 119; a parting glimpse of his Beloved on her way to England, 123; how he overran the whole earth, 124; Doubt darkened into Unbelief, 129; love of Truth, 131; a feeble unit, amidst a threatening Infinitude, 132; Baphometic Fire-baptism, 135; placid indifference, 136; a Hyperborean intruder, 144; Nothingness of life, 146; Temptations in the wilderness, 146; dawning of a better day, 149; the Ideal in the Actual, 156; finds his true Calling, 158; his Biography a symbolic Adumbration, significant to those who can decipher it, 160; a wonder-lover, seeker and worker, 166; in Monmouth-Street among the Hebrews, 192; concluding hints, 233; his public History not yet done, perhaps the better part only beginning, 237.

Thinking Man, a, the worst enemy of the Prince of Darkness, 96, 158; true Thought can never die, 196.

Time-Spirit, life-battle with the, 69, 103; Time, the universal wonder-hider, 209;

Titles of Honour, 198.

Tools, influence of, 32; the Pen, most miraculous of tools, 158.

Unbelief, era of, 91, 119; Doubt darkening into, 158; escape from, 147.

Universities, 88.

Utilitarianism, 128, 186.

View-hunting and diseased Self-consciousness, 124.

Voltaire, 134; the Parisian Divinity, 200.

War, 138.

Wisdom, 52.

Woman's influence, 108.

Wonder the basis of Worship, 53; region of, 54.

Words, slavery to, 42; Word-mongering and Motive-grinding, 130.

Workshop of Life, 158. See Labour.

Young Men and Maidens, 102, 104.

Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty, at the Edinburgh University Press.