Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/131

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Goliath, he said he felt modest and not equal to the part. He said he'd make a rotten Goliath and the whole subject was a most improper one for tablo-vivong anyway."

"Doesn't he want us to act it, then?" asked the Vice.

"Not with him as Goliath," was the reply.

"Then I asked Buster," she continued, "and he said, 'All I have to do is to stand up and stop a rounded pebble from the brook and from your sling, with my marble brow'."

"We were going to use a marble," murmured the Vice.

"And Buster said, 'No,' it wasn't cricket, and if it was, he wasn't going to bat, nor wicket-keep, nor long-stop."

"I thuppothe he wanted to play David too," mused the Vice cynically.

"Yes," was the reply. "And he offered to ask Colonel Jones to come and play Goliath. Said he would add fresh laurels to David's fame, whatever that means."

"What about uth?" commented the Vice.

"You were to be the Philistine army and I