Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/132

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was to be David's family," answered the President.

"When I told him he could be Goliath or nothing, he said, Many thanks, he'd have a shot at Nothing as he felt he could do it rather well."

"Funny-Dog," said the Vice.

"Just what I told him," remarked the President, "and he wanted to pretend that he thought it was good Tosh."

"I suppose people would would if David were bigger than Goliath," she continued.

"I should," said the Vice.

"You would!" grunted the senior official, perturbed in mind by the inexorable drift of circumstance. She did not want to be Goliath.

"I thaid I would," countered the other.

"Look here! I know," shouted the President, clapping her hands. "I've had such a good think. You shall have a pair of stilts and be Goliath! Splendid!"

The soul of the Vice sank within him. He did not object so much to playing a losing rôle nor a dangerous one, but Goliath was a rooter, a swank-pot, a Bad Man and without one re-