Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v5.djvu/472

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lage of, 49-51; interior of the church of La Bonne, 51, 52 ; Falls of, described, 52-55. St. Charles River, the, 30. St. Helen's Island (Montreal), 11. St. John's (Que.), 9, 10. St. John's River, 8. St." Lawrence River, 11 ; cottages along the, 21 ; banks of the, above Quebec, 40, 41; breadth of , 49; or Great River, 89-95; old maps of, 89, 90, 92; compared with other rivers, 90, 92-95. St. Maurice River, 94. Saguenay River, 91, 94. Salutations, Canadian, 47. Sault a la Puce, Riviere du, 48, 58. Sault Norman, 11. Sault St. Louis, 11. Saunter, derivation of the word, 205, 206. Scarlet Oak, The, 278-285. Schoolhouse, a Canadian, 46. Science, the bravery of, 106, 107. Scotchman dissatisfied with Canada, a, 75. Scriptures, Hebrew, inadequacy of regarding winter, 183. Sea-plants near Quebec, 93. Seeds, the transportation of, by wind, 186, 187; by birds, 187-189; by squirrels, 190-200; the vitality of, 200-203. Seeing, individual, 285-288. Selenites, 323. Sign language, 61. Sillery(Que.), 22. Silliman, Benjamin, quoted, 98. Skating, 177, 178. Smoke, winter morning, 165; seen from a hilltop, 173, 174. Snake, the, 123, 124. Snipe-shooting grounds, 48. Snow, 181, 182; not recognized in Hebrew Scriptures, 183. Snowbird, the, 109. Society, health not to be found in, 105. Soldiers, English, in Canada, 9, 10, 16, 17; in Quebec, 24-27, 79, 80. Solomon, quoted, 291. " Sometimes I hear the veery's clarion," verse, 112. Sounds, winter morning, 163, 164. Sorel River, 8. Sparrow, the song, 109. Spaulding's farm, 243. Spearing fish, 121-123. Speech, country, 137. Spring, on the Concord River, 119- 121. Squash, the large yellow, 203. Squirrel, a red, burying nuts, 190, 191; with nuts under snow, 195; pine cones stripped by the, 196; with filled cheek-pouches, 198. Stars, the, 328, 329. Stillriver Village (Mass.), 151. Stillwater, the, 140, 142. Stow (Mass.), 136. Succession of Forest Trees, The, 184-204. Sudbury (Mass.), 303. Sugar Maple, The, 271-278. Sunset, a remarkable, 246-248. Tamias, the steward squirrel, 198. Tavern, the gods' interest in the, 153; compared with the church, the, 161, 162. Tenures, Canadian, 63. "Thank God, who seasons thus the year," verse, 407. Thaw, The, verse, 409. " The full-orbed moon with un- changed ray," verse, 406. " The god of day his car rolls up the slopes," verse, 399. " The needles of the pine," verse, 133. " The rabbit leaps," verse, 410. " The river swelleth more and more," verse, 120. " The sluggish smoke curls up from some deep dell," verse, 165. Theophrastus, 292. Thomson, James, quoted, 249. Thoreau, Henry David, leaves Con- cord for Canada, 25th September, 1850, 3; traveling outfit of, 31-34; leaves Quebec for Montreal on return trip, 95; leaves Montreal for Boston, 99; total expense of Canada excursion, 100, 101; walk from Concord to Wachusett and back, 133-152 ; observation of a red squirrel, 190, 191 ; experience with government squash-seed, 203.